Legend of the dragonborn mod
Legend of the dragonborn mod

I can lock esp's to a specific mod index but can't see a way to lock them to a specific load order. The only thing that will happen in an update are updated tracks that are remastered for technical elements and volume reduced a little. Saving your (Follower) Relationship - CloudedTruth. First let me start by saying how much I enjoy this mod and the wonderful and well put together quests that come with it. Legacy adds so much to the game, I have to say thank you for making me want to play Skyrim again. From those merely mentioned in title to those who wielded the power of the voice, many legendary and influential people held the title of “Dragonborn” … Might they be in an earlier version on the Nexus I could extract them from, or were they removed for some reason (original author permission, or just not needed for the museum), or should I just wait until someone else ports the rest over to SSE? Build the gallery from the ground up as the guild master, then recruit new members, each with their own unique back stories and special guild functions. When the museum has 1500+ artifacts in display gets pretty heavy in resources, in my experience going inside with one or more followers (vanilla or moded) adds more to the heap, even more if you use a follower framework (AFT, NFF, IAFT, etc).

Legend of the dragonborn mod