It put Total War on the map and laid the groundwork for what has since become a blockbuster series in the strategy genre.

Whether you go on to achieve victory or succumb to overwhelming odds, moments like this are part of what made Rome: Total War such a beloved strategy game when it launched in 2004-and why its popularity still persists today. "But we will never know defeat while we stand together! This day we add another triumph to the history of our people! We will be honored as men!" "We face adversity, a band of brothers, dedicated to the warrior's code of strength and victory," he continues, rallying the troops. "One of you is worth any number of them," bellows our general, shattering the tense silence with an impassioned war cry. The scent of death is in the air and we've got no choice but to stand our ground and fight. The raucous Gaul army is at our gates, baying for blood each enemy soldier is coated in white and blue war paint and a select few operate battering rams that'll plough through our modest wooden defenses in a matter of minutes. The enemy outnumbers us two-to-one and reinforcements are still days away.